Obesity-related diseases have been a growing concern over the years. But no one has really looked at the dangers of the overly underweight. There are at least 100 different diets out there. Not only are the women dieting, but the men are too. I actually know more guys than girls doing the cleansing diets and the low carb diets. There is a reason these diets are not working.
Firstly, I would like to say that the word diet has been taken out of context. Diet is defined as “the usual food and drink consumed by an organism.” Now every time the word is muttered, the immediate thought would be of weight loss. For the purpose of discussion, the latter definition will be used.
There is a misconception between weight loss and a slimmer body. Essentially, the obsession over dieting and weight loss is due to the dissatisfaction of one’s body shape. If you explore the reasons for dieting, it all leads to wanting a slimmer waistline, thighs, arms, etc.
I have never been concerned about my weight or my body, although, I’m not saying I’m perfectly happy with it; but recently, I’ve been more bothered by it. I am constantly being told to “eat more, you won’t get fat” and “you are so skinny, what is wrong with you?” These comments are starting to irritate and offend me. Here are the reasons why:
1) I am fit. People who really know skinny, would not say I am. I swim, play tennis, and practice yoga to increase strength, tone my muscles, and maintain flexibility. As tempting as it is to snap me in half like a twig, I’m more likely to bend like a straw.
2) I do eat. You just don’t see me eating a lot all in one sitting. I split my meals into two sittings and I snack all day long. I cannot live without rice and meat. In fact, that’s pretty much all I eat. Having something throughout the day keeps my blood sugar and metabolism regulated.
3) Being skinny is just how my body is structured. I would be ecstatic to add 5” more to my waist.
My point is: Weight does not equate with the perfect body. If you are a 5’4”, 110 lb female, you should not be trying to lose more weight. According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), you need to be gaining at least another 10 lbs. And what better way to gain that is to add muscle mass.
The more accurate focus of all this “weight losing” is body toning or physical exercise. Following a certain diet will NOT keep fat from accumulating in your tummy, arms, butt, or wherever it is unwanted. It only reduces the amount of intake of nutrients that eventually metabolizes into fat.
Go have a swim or go for a jog. Maintaining a total body workout will give you a more satisfying result than dieting. It will probably be a lot easier too.